Clinical Assessment Recommendations, 3rd Edition

Quantifying function and activity participation in a systematic and reproducible manner is essential both in research and daily practice. Hand therapists must assess the client's baseline physical status using reproducible, standardized tools and methods to ensure the validity, reproducibility, and accuracy of the data they collect. A vital component of hand therapy evaluation is the assessment of function in activities of daily living, work, and leisure to identify areas of limitation. The use of valid assessment tools and measures can determine functional status, play a role in determining process, and assist with goal setting.

The third edition of the Clinical Assessment Recommendations (CAR) will contain both printed chapters, which cover materials unlikely to require frequent updating, such as assessment of edema, grip, pinch, pain, range of motion and sensibility. CAR will also include digital chapters, which will cover the body of evidence on outcome measures and diagnosis-specific assessments, such as those related to the osteoarthritic hand, sympathetic function, tendon repairs and the burned hand.

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