Casting and Strapping

Billing CPT Codes for Serial Casting

The 29000 to 29590 CPT codes that apply to casting and strapping may be used by an occupational and physical therapist when the service provided is under a therapy plan of care (POC) and the service is appropriately delivered. When billing the CPT code, the GO (identifies OT) or GP (identifies PT) modifier must be included with the CPT code. The use of the 29000 to 29590 CPT codes by a therapist are for casting (e.g.: serial casting for a contracture). These CPT codes should not be used to bill for orthotics that are custom fabricated.

Casting and strapping are billed using CPT codes instead of HCPCS Level 2 codes. The following link contains guidelines for coding and billing casts and strapping. It is recommended that the provider contact the payer before submitting these codes to determine if they are reimbursable under the patient's insurance plan.

Casting and Strapping Guidelines