Dina Delopoulos: Preventing Garden Pains

Dina Delopoulos shares gardening modifications to ease pain and prevent future injuries. From the Ground Up: Garden pains can be prevented SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 2012 By RAY EDEL RECORD COLUMNIST My fingers, hands and arms have taken a beating this spring and summer. I guess that's what happens when you spend hours working in the garden. For relief from these scrapes, bumps and muscle pulls, I have applied bags of ice and tubes of creams, but little has helped Dina Delopoulos, occupational therapist and certified hand therapist at Holy Name Hospital in Teaneck, says I am going about it backward: "You can use all the ice and cream you want, but nothing is going to change unless you modify the behavior that is creating the discomfort in the first place. "Managing the pain is important, but you need to get to the root of the problem," she says. Lack of doing so will just continue the cycle and may lead to chronic injuries, she adds. Delopoulos recommends these modifications to garden tasks to help ease the pain and prevent future injuries: Read more at NorthJersey.com