Clinical Assessment Recommendations, 3rd ed.

Posted by Cynthia Ivy, OTD,CHT, M.Ed 04/23/2018

Every clinic could benefit from ASHT's Clinical Assessment Recommendations, 3rd Edition.

This book -- commonly referred to as CAR -- contains both printed and digital content. Printed chapters cover materials unlikely to require frequent updating, such as assessment of edema, grip, pinch, pain, range of motion and sensibility. Digital chapters cover a variety of upper extremity assessments and categories, for example outcome measures, diagnosis-specific assessments, sympathetic function, tendon repairs, the burned hand and manual strength. The online component also includes expanded content from the chapters printed in the book, including reliability and validity data, additional testing techniques and extensive photo guides. The expanded content in the digital book includes figures and tables, and more detailed testing techniques. The digital chapters will be updated regularly.

This easy-to-use product helps clinicians remain up to date on assessment choices and techniques to ensure that their clients are receiving the best possible care using the most reliable and valid assessment and outcome tools administered with ASHT recommended methods.  

CAR is available for purchase in the ASHT Store.